Why Accessibility Matters
Join AAF Reno November 15th at the Discovery Museum for an interesting and illuminating luncheon and panel discussion on the topic of Accessibility Within Advertising.
November 15th
11:30am - 1:00pm

Join AAF Reno November 15th at the Discovery Museum for an interesting and illuminating luncheon and panel discussion on the topic of Accessibility Within Advertising. Find out details regarding the design of products, devices, services, websites and more, so as to be usable by people with various abilities. Learn about compliance within the adverting world and how your business can be inclusionary. Our distinguished panelists include Stephanie Mazza, Senior Art Director for the Estipona Group, Steve Erdelyi, Senior Web Developer for Noble Studios, and Deaon Kolbet-Clausell, Director of Web Services for Mission Minded. They will share insights and information that can help you in this ever-evolving creative landscape.
$30 - $40
Why Accessibility Matters
November 15th
11:30am - 1:00pm
The Discovery
490 S Center St.
Reno, Nevada 89501